About us
Company profile
IHIS-Magneti d.o.o. is a private company originated from EI-Feriti d.o.o. Zemun and continued production
all kinds of magnets, as the only manufacturer in Serbia.
Successfully for 10 years, the workers and managers meet the demands of modern marketers with top professionalism by enriching their enormous experience and creativity in all areas of business.
Acquired recognizable rating of the most serious, successful, correct and accurate business partner enabled us
Successful business for ten years from the moment when we started production independently, and now
pre-registration 08.07.2015 in IHIS-Magneti 2015 d.o.o. we started with even greater dynamics, to win the market
as well as investing in modern scientific achievements.
Product Placement: Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, BiH, Montenegro.
Batajnički drum 23, 11080 Zemun, Serbia
Phone: +381 (0) 11 7707792
Phone/Fax: +381 (0) 11 7707792
E-mail 1: vladan@magneti-feriti.co.rs
MB: 2119032
PIB: 109053655
Dinarski račun
Devizni račun
Buyer and only buyer in the first place
Long-term partnership with suppliers
Growing trend in development and business
Employee satisfaction
Rising daily operational power
Bearing in mind that the quality of magnets and magnetic products as well as the overall business of our company is the most important factor in the long-standing tradition of about 35 years of success, competitiveness of trust and customer satisfaction with all the accompanying technological developments.
Entry control of all intermediate products and raw materials necessarily controls the entry into production and commissioning.
The quality policy relies on the extra quality of the magnet products and is inviolable in our business.
- strict adherence to the delivery deadline,
- we fulfill the requirements of our customers,
- precise and effective work,
All those involved in the production of products are fully trained and responsible with the team of experts and institutes with whom we cooperate.
IHIS-MAGNETI 2015 DOO is a business system that is open for cooperation and establishing new business contacts, with an emphasis on further expansion of new business contacts both in sales and representation and representation of producers from abroad.
Also, at the request of customers, we have expanded the supply of raw materials for the needs of our customers from iron oxide, stroncium carbonate, zinc oxide, manganese carbonate, and others, and we have a certain quantity in stock.
Loyalty to each customer by our company guarantees the realization of mutual good business interests.